Having a very dry and sensitive skin, you'll often find me browsing for baby soaps. I've been using baby soaps since I can't remember. My dermatologist told me so. She also told me not to shower with hot water.
The thing with baby soap is that it's usually in a mild formula so it won't irritate your skin. Plus, it's more moisturizing and has less foaming agents. That's why it's a great option for super dry and sensitive skin.
I'm not complaining at all. It's just that, most of the time, I don't feel like I have that many options. I've been using Johnson & Johnson for years. It's a great option for me but using the same shower gel for years is bo-o-o-o-ring. Now I'm a type a girl who loves to enjoy every single minute of my bath time, either showering or bubble bathing. I do use various The Body Shop shower gels sometimes. But yeah, speaking about baby soap, I wish there were more fun options out there. It would be fun if there's like a LUSH shop for babies. Pretty sure I'll be the first customer even though I have no baby.
Couple weeks ago, I was going to buy another refill of my Johnson & Johnson, when my eyes caught this bath jelly. It's Cussons First Years Bath Jelly.
The thing with baby soap is that it's usually in a mild formula so it won't irritate your skin. Plus, it's more moisturizing and has less foaming agents. That's why it's a great option for super dry and sensitive skin.
I'm not complaining at all. It's just that, most of the time, I don't feel like I have that many options. I've been using Johnson & Johnson for years. It's a great option for me but using the same shower gel for years is bo-o-o-o-ring. Now I'm a type a girl who loves to enjoy every single minute of my bath time, either showering or bubble bathing. I do use various The Body Shop shower gels sometimes. But yeah, speaking about baby soap, I wish there were more fun options out there. It would be fun if there's like a LUSH shop for babies. Pretty sure I'll be the first customer even though I have no baby.
Couple weeks ago, I was going to buy another refill of my Johnson & Johnson, when my eyes caught this bath jelly. It's Cussons First Years Bath Jelly.
Yup, it's jelly form soap. It's too cute, I decided to buy it. It comes in a pink-purple jar. And it's really a jelly inside. So here's how the inside looks like.
It's a fanta-colored jelly. With a fresh strawberry scent. It smells sooooo yummy! No more boring bath time with this! Pretty much, just take a handful blop of the jelly and then run it all over your skin.
Since this comes in a jar packaging, sometimes, if you don't take enough jelly then you have to put your foaming hand in to the jar and create a bubbly mess. Not really a big problem for me, though. Besides, what's the point of having a bath jelly if you didn't get to touch it directly with your hands?!
And just like another baby soaps, it takes a bit longer to rinse it which is a part of the non-drying effect. Not that it's a downfall, just something you should put into consideration.
Since this comes in a jar packaging, sometimes, if you don't take enough jelly then you have to put your foaming hand in to the jar and create a bubbly mess. Not really a big problem for me, though. Besides, what's the point of having a bath jelly if you didn't get to touch it directly with your hands?!
And just like another baby soaps, it takes a bit longer to rinse it which is a part of the non-drying effect. Not that it's a downfall, just something you should put into consideration.
Seriously, even if you don't have skin issues like mine, definitely give this a try. Even if you have no toddlers, this could be something YOU can enjoy.
As Chandler Bing said, get ready for the gelatinous fun!!
is this anything like the lush shower jellies?
nah kan, now i wanna buy this just to try ahahha
silver_aria: I have no idea. I've never tried any LUSH goods so far. sorry, dear :)
mendot: great, berarti review gw cukup persuasif. hahaha..
hi marcelle : gw anak FD jugaa, hehe.. review lo buat kepengen deh.. bener2 keliatan yummy..
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