Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Short Vacation to Jayapura (Picture Heavy!!!)

So here's the reason behind my absence.

I was lucky enough to get some free days so, together with lovely boyfriend, I went to Jayapura. This is the city where I spent 7 years of my childhood here, before went back to Jakarta for high school and college, up until now. My family moved here on 1994 and my parents still live here.

Here's some pictures from my short vacation.

Base-G Beach
After 7 hours flight from Jakarta, me and boyfriend arrived in Jayapura early morning at October 24th. We went to Base-G beach that afternoon. The beach is about 10 minutes from my house. Fortunately, the weather was great that day.

It's blue everywhere. Gorgeous!

With boyfriend

Little sister arrived few days early

The Second Day
The next day, since we woke up a bit too late, we didn't have that many time to spend. We went to this little store that sells genuine crocodile leather. Boyfriend bought some wallets and belts for him and some as souvenirs.

Papua, or Merauke, to be exact, is famous for crocodile leather. Unfortunately, they don't have qualified designers so even though they have various bags, wallets, purses etc, their design looks rather boring. But then again, I've never been a fan of leather stuff, anyway.

Tablanusu Beach

Another beach that we went to is Tablanusu beach. Now this is the first time I went to this beach. It's about 2,5 hours from home. Woohoo... It's weird that we went through hills along the way. No water in sight. I started to doubt that we're going to a beach. Until, near the end of the trip, I saw this gorgeous scenery ahead of me. As weird as it sounds, it's a beach surrounded with hills.

View from the top.

McArthur Monument, Ifar Gunung.

I really want to take boyfriend to McArthur monument. Unfortunately, we arrived a little bit late. Apparently, it's a monument from World War II where American General Douglas MacArthur once arrived. And................ okay, excuse my lack of history knowledge.

The monument placed in a military area, at the top of Ifar Gunung.
Here's boyfriend posing in front of the gate. We were just a couple minutes late. Gahh!

So we took picture around the area. Here's the infamous Sentani Lake in the background.

And that line on the right of the picture is the runway of Sentani Airport.

Another picture of the lake. Taken from a restaurant on the lake side.


On our last day, my dad asked me and boyfriend if we want to go to the hospital. There were some minor surgeries he had to do. We thought, why not? My dad is an ophthalmologist, by the way.

Boyfriend taking picture with landscape of the city in the background

What we do when we're home? I just found out that there's a mini billiard at home. So this is what we do every night after dinner.
Boyfriend is surprisingly very good when it comes to billiard. Apparently, he used to skip school to play billiard. Really, boy.. not cool.

So that's the end of my short vacation. Now it's time to go back to reality *sigh*.


Fifi said...

Oh wow, I've always wanted to travel east but Manado is as far as I can get now. Haha. I would love to visit nusa tenggara and papua day.

Thanks for sharing these pictures. And LOL @ skipping school to play billiard! Boys, huh? :)

Shabrina said...

maybe you could resize ur pict first before u host it using photoscape or gimp. :)
Kenapa harus short?itu keren banget pantainya. *mataberbinar

Anonymous said...

My wife and I had the same thing happen to us at the MacArthur Monument. We just sneeked in. The fence is open on the Lake Sentani side. I did fall in the mud.

M said...

ahaha.. things people do to get into MacArthur. Hope the fall worth it, though :)