I can't believe I've been using this eyebrow pencil for all this time and haven't even reviewed it yet. I'm talking about my Viva eyebrow pencil. As you can probably tell, I use this in all of my FOTDs, since I started wearing eyebrow pencil. Which is quite recent.

Viva is an Indonesian make up and skincare line. And Viva eyebrow pencil is something most make up artists would recommend. This eyebrow pencil comes in two shades, black and brown. I bought mine in brown, since my eyebrows are pretty thick already, black eyebrow pencil will look to harsh on my face.
Now let's sing my praises about this pencil. I've been using it for quite a while and I really love the consistency of this pencil. It's soft, so it won't hurt your skin but not that soft so you won't transfer too much color and you don't have to sharpened it too often. So even the pencil is kinda skinny, still, it'll last for a long time. The staying power is great and it's waterproof too. With all of those quality, this pencil sell for only Rp13000 (the last time I bought it, around last year). It's about $2, convert it to USD. Seriously in love with this pencil!
Talking about the packaging, it's a tacky orange colored pencil. Honestly it looks kinda cheap (well, it is). But I don't really mind that as long as this pencil doing a good job coloring my eyebrows. But one thing I really hate about this pencil, you can't easily get this in random department stores or super markets. If I wanna restock, I have to go to these small make up stores in traditional markets. A place I really hate to go to.
But other than that, I have no complaint. Quality wise, this eyebrow pencil is great. I know there are lots of expensive high quality eyebrow pencils out there, but what's the point of buying the expensive one if the cheap one could give the same result.
Here are the swatches of the pencil in brown.

So if you live in Indonesia and you haven't have this eyebrow pencil. Seriously, go ahead and get one. Careful with the fake ones, though (yes, there are fake Viva eyebrow pencil in the market, that's what I read).
Hope this review helps. I really should write more reviews about Indonesia brands. We have lots of great stuff here!
Viva is an Indonesian make up and skincare line. And Viva eyebrow pencil is something most make up artists would recommend. This eyebrow pencil comes in two shades, black and brown. I bought mine in brown, since my eyebrows are pretty thick already, black eyebrow pencil will look to harsh on my face.
Now let's sing my praises about this pencil. I've been using it for quite a while and I really love the consistency of this pencil. It's soft, so it won't hurt your skin but not that soft so you won't transfer too much color and you don't have to sharpened it too often. So even the pencil is kinda skinny, still, it'll last for a long time. The staying power is great and it's waterproof too. With all of those quality, this pencil sell for only Rp13000 (the last time I bought it, around last year). It's about $2, convert it to USD. Seriously in love with this pencil!
Talking about the packaging, it's a tacky orange colored pencil. Honestly it looks kinda cheap (well, it is). But I don't really mind that as long as this pencil doing a good job coloring my eyebrows. But one thing I really hate about this pencil, you can't easily get this in random department stores or super markets. If I wanna restock, I have to go to these small make up stores in traditional markets. A place I really hate to go to.
But other than that, I have no complaint. Quality wise, this eyebrow pencil is great. I know there are lots of expensive high quality eyebrow pencils out there, but what's the point of buying the expensive one if the cheap one could give the same result.
Here are the swatches of the pencil in brown.
So if you live in Indonesia and you haven't have this eyebrow pencil. Seriously, go ahead and get one. Careful with the fake ones, though (yes, there are fake Viva eyebrow pencil in the market, that's what I read).
Hope this review helps. I really should write more reviews about Indonesia brands. We have lots of great stuff here!
Aku pernah mau beli, pas dicobain ke tangan kok kerasanya keras yaa.. Jadi deh enggak jadi beli. Ato jangan2 yang aku cobain itu palsu yaa =.=
sama, ak punya jg.
apa itu palsu atau perlu kita serut lagi yah, biar nda gitu keras?
mohon masukkannya,sis .. ak jadi jarang pakai loh =(
Agnes & Priscilla..
kalo soal viva eyebrow yang palsu, kalo yang aku baca sih lebih ke warnanya, lebih merah.. kalo pensilnya keras, aku kurang tau
kalo punyaku, dari sejak dibeli dan setelah diserut konsistensinya tetep sama.. emang ga terlalu soft, tapi enak karena ga gampang 'kelebihan' warnanya..
kalo pensilnya dirasa keras, coba pake sisi2 pensilnya, jangan ujungnya.. diulas pelan2 di alis, warnanya tetep keluar koq.. dan hasilnya jadi natural.
HTH ya :)
sis, ini bisa dijadiin eyeliner ga ya? revlon q smudge abis, denger2 viva bagus nih.. :)
aku jg pake pensil alis viva!!! dari pertama kali makeup dan sampe skrng tetep setia sama viva!!hihi ga ada tandingannya ya!! btw sukaaaa bgt tutorial make up kamu ^____^
I would love to try your Indonesian brand of makeup someday. :)
betul bgt! waktu itu aku pernah pake viva pas trus ada temen yg bilang "kok alis lw warnanya merah?" OH SHIT! udah sejak itu aku ga pernah lagi pake merk viva. berarti itu yg PALSU ya? seiingetku, aku beli di mini market yg berjamuran itu loh dimana2 ada. seharusnya mereka menjual produk yg asli ya?
kemaren coba revlon, ga suka. di blendnya susah. sebelumnya lagi pake yg maybelline bagus juga.. lembut. sekarang lagi coba nyx karena tadi mau beli maybelline, eyebrownya lagi kosong.
boleh di post ke malaysia???
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